The age-old adage, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” encapsulates a fundamental truth about human determination and resilience. This proverb implies that as long as one possesses the determination and motivation to achieve a goal, obstacles can be overcome, and success can be attained. In this essay, I will explore the profound […]

What is the role of Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee, and how is it different from the Privileges Committee?

The Ethics Committee of Lok Sabha, which recently took up a “cash-for-query” complaint made by a BJP Member Mr. Nishikant Dubey against Trinamool Congress Member Ms. Mahua Moitra, examines cases of misconduct involving Members of Parliament (MPs) and is responsible for overseeing their moral and ethical conduct. Its functions include examining complaints of unethical conduct […]


More than 10 lakh candidates fill forms for UPSC Civil Services, out of which around 5 lakh aspirants appear in the Prelim Exam. Only around one thousand candidates get final selection. No doubt, UPSC Civil Services is the toughest exam, not only in India but also in the world. What makes things more difficult for […]

Salt Satyagraha

On December 31, 1929, the Congress under the presidentship of Jawaharlal Nehru, passed the historic resolution at Lahore, moved by Gandhiji, declaring Purna Swaraj as its goal. It also resolved to boycott the Central and Provincial legislatures and the Round Table Conference to be held at London. It authorised the All-India Congress Committee (AICC) to […]


Prof. V.P. Gupta, Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru This article caters to the Social Justice portion of General Studies-Paper II and for Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination. The Supreme Court’s order to evict occupants of forest lands who failed to make a successful claim under the Forest Rights […]


Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. You are what you think, you become what you think, and thoughts influence your life. Positive thinking casts a magical influence on everyone. Positive thinking has immeasurable potential; it has such enormous power that you […]

Terrorist Movement

We can roughly divide the left wing of the Congress into three groups, i.e., ‘terrorists’, ‘revolutionaries’ and ‘extremists’. The terrorists were a small group of young men who believed that the British rule was an unmitigated evil and that it had dangerous consequences for India. Violence, in their opinion, was the only method by which […]


Over the last few decades, technology has greatly increased its abilities. It started from the simple radio to now having cell phones which can surf the web. Technology has greatly influenced our society in many ways. Nowadays it has simplified people’s lives. It would be like trying to imagine teleportation. It was unthinkable, but with […]

Renaissance Movement

The latter half of the nineteenth century gave birth to various reformist and revivalist movements in India. The Indian society was passing through transition. It had come into contact with new ideas as a result of the British rule even as a wide range of social evils were getting entrenched in the Hindu society. A […]