Development is the key to success which can be attained by robust infrastructure. It can be defined as a process of both economic and social advancement. It creates growth, progress and positive change. For any country aspiring to excel in growth and development, infrastructure is a vital component. The role of infrastructure can never be discounted, as it contributes both directly and indirectly to the economy. Development comes automatically from economic growth. It is like a precious jewel for any nation. Infrastructure is the basic physical setup of the nation, e.g., transportation, communication, sewage, water and electric systems. These facilities are a landmark of good infrastructure. It is clear that a good infrastructure is necessary for development. It is considered to be fuel for development/advancement by reducing the cost of production and transportation of goods and services, by increasing the productivity of input factors and by creating indirect positive exterior.
Infrastructure means all types of facilities which provide ease to people in working, innovations, etc. It does not keep narrow nexus, in fact it has a vast meaning of new investments and further refinements. The infrastructure is important for faster economic growth and alleviation of poverty in the country. It is referred to as physical structure which is mandatory for proper development of any nation. The adequate infrastructure in the form of road, railway transport systems, ports and their efficient working is also needed for integration of economy with other economies.
Achieving of important national goals also depends on robust infrastructure. The economy needs reliable infrastructure to connect supply chains, as it connects households across metropolitan and rural areas to quality opportunities for employment, health care and education. Development planning is essential to improve the people’s living standard of life. These are basic essential services that should be put in place to enable development to occur or happen.
Indeed, a country’s transition from developing to a developed category depends mainly on infrastructure. Infrastructure supports also primary sector as agriculture, secondary sector as industry and tertiary sector as service. Infrastructure can be classified as hard and soft infrastructure. Hard infrastructure may be called as physical structure. It includes rail, road, power, irrigation, etc. Soft infrastructure means social structure which includes education, health, financial system, defence, etc.
The major difference between both of them is: the former contributes towards growth of the country while the latter contributes towards the development of a country. For development of infrastructure; Government manages; government gets help of private sector and works on public private partnership model. It is rather a complex model but it helps to boost infrastructure. India’s economy is growing rapidly in the world. It is mainly reliant on agriculture. More than 55% of our population is dependent on agriculture. For the better growth in this sector, irrigation infrastructure needs revamping. As agriculture sector depends to a great extent on monsoon, which has created stressful situations in the last few years. Many cases of farmers committing suicide have come to notice. Therefore, appropriate investment and timely implementation will bring relief in this sector although government is working for welfare of farmers.
For the purpose of fast economic growth of any country, there should be industrial development and increase in business. It needs connectivity of different business locations through cheap and fast transport system, which is dependent on transport infrastructure. Hence, roads, rails, air, water transport system are very vital infrastructure which is used for trade and commerce in the country and also for other countries. Now-a-days, many new techniques have come up in this area. High speed trains and Express roads are a move in the right direction for development of robust infrastructure. Also sea-ports are being upgraded by government. This is the cheapest way of transport. Therefore governments are working for development of internal water transport system.
Similarly, background information satellites are important to us in many ways that we can collect secret and fast information by this. They enable us with radio and cable television. Besides, they allow us to make cellular phone calls from long distances. Now we are able to send and receive data in no time. It has only been possible by satellite and high speed network. Mobile satellite communication has the potential to provide strength to infrastructure. So this may help us. Hence, these facilities depict development in the country. As road infrastructure plays a major role in development, appropriate and modern design of roads exhibit a developed society. Railway is also exploring more opportunities in other fields. The other very vital infrastructure is the power sector. Green energy is the demand of today’s world. Investments in solar projects, nuclear power and wind mills are taking better place in infrastructure. New transport systems have really transformed the face of world.
Education is a part of social infrastructure. It is the process of delivery of knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation to another which is called the most important infrastructure. Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income. Education can promote gender equality and check child marriage. It is the most important investment in country which can make its people’s future bright. So bestowing better facilities of education for children and the youth, is also a sign of robust infrastructure.
Medical tourism is another area of employment generation. Under this kind of tourism people travel to another
city or country to get medical treatment. Mostly, people around the world travel to the major medical centres in the well developed countries, to receive good facility and quality treatment.
It is only possible by robust infrastructure. Without proper planning and infrastructure, it is hard for a country to develop. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an accurate measure to check progress or development and quality of life. This is a measure often used to find out how much a country is developed; increase in GDP itself explains that an economy of a nation is on progressive path and this path is set by robust infrastructure. Hence, we can say that robust infrastructure is necessary for development and progress.

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