The age-old adage, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” encapsulates a fundamental truth about human determination and resilience. This proverb implies that as long as one possesses the determination and motivation to achieve a goal, obstacles can be overcome, and success can be attained. In this essay, I will explore the profound […]
Necessity leads to Discovery, as Hard and Smart work leads to Success… The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of all inventions’ highlights the reality of evolution in the technological world. It implies that when it is really necessary to accomplish a task, we actually end up doing it by hook or crook. The paramount and […]
‘A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, But a broken heart drieth the bones.’ —Proverbs 17:2 A sedentary lifestyle is the greatest danger to health and exercise is often prescribed as an antidote. There is something far simpler and more effective than cardio, weightlifting and brisk walking, which is laughter. Laughter, my friends, is […]
KUMBH FESTIVAL – India’s Pride
Mankind has advanced at a searing pace in terms of scientific advancements since the medieval times. Age old practices have been renounced and have become obsolete. Yet a festival, believed to have originated during the reign of King Harshavardhana, continues to be celebrated with full fervour: the Kumbh Mela. Earliest historical records of the festival […]
Home Rule Movement 2
The period from 1919 to 1947 is a historic one in India’s freedom movement. It brought about a revolution—social, economic, political and intellectual—though with certain limitations. It was a period when Indian nationalism entered a new phase. Swaraj through ‘struggle’ and ‘sacrifice’, instead of ‘pressure’ or ‘appeal’, became the watchword of the movement for India’s […]
Go The Extra Mile To Achieve Excellence
Dear Friend, Let me share a story with you, which is close to my heart. In the ancient times, there was a king who wanted to see if there is any good Samaritan in his empire. He placed a boulder in the middle of the road and hid in the bushes nearby. He wanted to […]
We all thought we were on the ‘unsinkable Titanic’ even when we were sailing straight towards the ‘iceberg’. We are facing one of the biggest crises that humanity has faced till date—global warming. We experience its adversities increasingly each year. Each new year becomes hotter than the previous, and the warmer it becomes the more […]
Prof. V.P. Gupta Director Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi –Bengaluru This article caters to the Environment section of General Studies-Paper III and for Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination Economic development versus environmental sustainability has been at the centre of debate in the modern times. Some argue that for developing countries like India, economic […]
As Gopalkrishna Gandhi, an Indian scholar and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, aptly described, “India is valued the world over for a great many things, but for three over others: the Taj Mahal, Mahatma Gandhi and India’s electoral democracy.” India has been a democratic country since its independence. With more than 132 crore citizens, it ranks […]
Const. of India – The Background
Wavell Plan And The Simla Conference Another abortive effort to solve the political deadlock in India was made in 1945. Lord Wavell invited the leaders of all sections of political opinion. A conference was held at Simla. Discussions went on for about one month. The Wavell Plan, in its essence, was the complete Indianisation of […]
You Are Your Biggest Competitor
Dear Friend, Imagine this—If Michael Phelps was to be considered as a nation, he would rank as the 39th most successful nation in the 122- year old history of the Summer Olympics. His 23 gold medals are almost two and half times the gold medals won by India (nine) in all Olympic Games taken together. […]