You Are Your Biggest Competitor

Dear Friend, Imagine this—If Michael Phelps was to be considered as a nation, he would rank as the 39th most successful nation in the 122- year old history of the Summer Olympics. His 23 gold medals are almost two and half times the gold medals won by India (nine) in all Olympic Games taken together. […]


Nehruvian Period To Current Scenario Prof. V.P. Gupta, Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru This article caters to the International Relations (I.R.) section of General Studies-Paper II and for Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination There has been a recent controversy in the context of India’s permanent membership to the […]


Since the inception of the human species, the collective aim of mankind has always been the same: to grow, to evolve, to progress and to wake up to a better tomorrow. In this journey, man has achieved great things; he has done everything in his power to make life easier for himself on earth. He […]


A vote is a medium through which popular will is expressed. It is used as a means to arrive at a decision peacefully and cordially. The Oxford Thesaurus defines vote ‘as a formal expression of opinion or choice, made by an individual or body of individuals’ and voting ‘as expression of choice and will in […]


Success is the best destination but not all people are able to reach there. In current situation, we want to solve every problem very quickly. Hence, we do everything in stress, hurry and even use shortcuts, which may end up in failure. We tend to forget that success is the sum of small efforts repeated […]


Sustainability can be defined as the practice of maintaining processes of productivity, either natural or human- made, by replacing resources used with resources of equal or greater value without degrading or endangering natural biotic systems. Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social, political, and economic challenges faced […]


If there is a hole in your pocket, you have two options the moment you notice it—either you can stitch it up or delay it. If you stitch it up, your pocket will become as good as new, good to hold anything and you will be tension-free. But, like most of the people, we would […]


Prof. V.P. Gupta, Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru This article caters to the Polity and Governance portion of General Studies-Paper II and Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination. The option of None of the Above (NOTA) on Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) gives the voters the option not to vote […]

Public Service Commissions

At the time of framing the present Constitution, India had some experience of public service commissions functioning as integral parts of the old Constitution. The Government of India Act of 1935 had provided for the establishment of public service commissions, both at the Centre and in the provinces. When the present Constitution came into being […]

Azad Hind Fauj (INA)

One of the greatest sons of India, Subhas Chandra Bose has always created a sense of pride among people who believe in the greatness of their country. His plans for independence of his motherland from the yoke of the British imperialism with the help of its adversaries during the Second World War still evoke a […]

Focus On Your Goal To Succeed

Dear Friend, Have you ever wondered why out of  lakhs of students preparing for an exam for  several  years, only a few thousand manage to get the  coveted job? Life is full of uncertainties and no one would understand these uncertainties in a manner that the job aspirants do. They go through a wide range […]

SHALE GAS Perils And Prospects

Prof. V.P. Gupta,Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru The exploration of shale gas is considered as “the biggest energy innovation of the decade”. The increase in the shale gas production in the US has revolutionised the energy market. Natural gas has emerged as the largest source of electricity generation in […]


Almost all countries, today, are gearing up to deal with a range of issues posed by increasing digitisation in all spheres of public and private lives. The delicate line that threads and, at the same time, keeps apart the public and the private, is increasingly under threat. While we cannot afford to lose out on […]