You Are Your Biggest Competitor

Dear Friend, Imagine this—If Michael Phelps was to be considered as a nation, he would rank as the 39th most successful nation in the 122- year old history of the Summer Olympics. His 23 gold medals are almost two and half times the gold medals won by India (nine) in all Olympic Games taken together. […]


Nehruvian Period To Current Scenario Prof. V.P. Gupta, Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru This article caters to the International Relations (I.R.) section of General Studies-Paper II and for Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination There has been a recent controversy in the context of India’s permanent membership to the […]


Since the inception of the human species, the collective aim of mankind has always been the same: to grow, to evolve, to progress and to wake up to a better tomorrow. In this journey, man has achieved great things; he has done everything in his power to make life easier for himself on earth. He […]


A vote is a medium through which popular will is expressed. It is used as a means to arrive at a decision peacefully and cordially. The Oxford Thesaurus defines vote ‘as a formal expression of opinion or choice, made by an individual or body of individuals’ and voting ‘as expression of choice and will in […]


The 101st Amendment of the Constitution, National Goods and Services Tax is creating a radical change in the functioning of the Indian Economy. This is evident as Moody’s credit rating agency has upgraded India’s Government bond rating to Baa2 from Baa3. India has climbed 30 notches into the top 100 rankings on the World Bank’s […]


We use a lot many types of goods for a reason. These goods are both tangible (goods) and non-tangible (services). Together goods and services are known as commodities. The reason for their use is what can be called as the “satisfaction of wants”. Wants are satisfied by using goods and services. The process of using […]


Prof. V.P. Gupta,Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru The call for holding simultaneous elections has grown recently and the Prime Minister of India has advocated holding simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies to utilise maximum time for governance which is otherwise lost due to political campaigns and rallies. […]


Prof. V.P. Gupta, Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle, New Delhi – Jaipur – Bengaluru The recent news pertaining to bank fraud by Nirav Modi in Punjab National Bank and the loan default by Rotomac has shaken India’s financial sector, leading to a government and central bank crackdown on lenders’ systems and practices. Alleged fraud cases […]

My UPSC Interview By IAS Toppers

“Overall, The Interview Gave Me A Good Feeling.” —Anand Vardhan, IAS Topper 2016-17, 7th Rank Detailed interview My interview was scheduled in the afternoon session on March 22, 2017 in the UPSC building. I have tried to reproduce below the exact questions asked and my responses to them. I was the fourth to be interviewed […]

Make It To The Top

Dear Friend, With a positive can-do attitude, boundless enthusiasm, total faith in the ultimate success and sustained effort, you can surely and certainly accomplish your chosen goal. Never have doubts about your ability or about your final success. No matter the obstacles, no matter the problems, resolve that you must and will succeed. This certainty […]

Judiciary In The State

Every State has a High Court operating within its territorial jurisdiction and every High Court is a court of record which has all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself. However, there are High Courts catering to a number of States such as Guwahati, Punjab & Haryana, […]

Jallianwala Bagh

The First World War brought enormous burden upon the people of India. They had been dragged into war without their consent. The strength of armed forces was increased considerably. Many young men were compelled to join the army against the wishes of their parents. The Indian soldiers were sent to distant lands to fight for […]