Important certificates overflowed his file, his eyes are running through the columns of newspapers and different sites, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead, tired and heartbroken he cried out his heart placing his head in his mother’s bosom, as if wanting to hide the grotesque reality that he is still unemployed… Unemployment is the […]


Necessity leads to Discovery, as Hard and Smart work leads to Success… The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of all inventions’ highlights the reality of evolution in the technological world. It implies that when it is really necessary to accomplish a task, we actually end up doing it by hook or crook. The paramount and […]


‘A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, But a broken heart drieth the bones.’ —Proverbs 17:2 A sedentary lifestyle is the greatest danger to health and exercise is often prescribed as an antidote. There is something far simpler and more effective than cardio, weightlifting and brisk walking, which is laughter. Laughter, my friends, is […]

KUMBH FESTIVAL – India’s Pride

Mankind has advanced at a searing pace in terms of scientific advancements since the medieval times. Age old practices have been renounced and have become obsolete. Yet a festival, believed to have originated during the reign of King Harshavardhana, continues to be celebrated with full fervour: the Kumbh Mela. Earliest historical records of the festival […]

The Khilafat And Non-Cooperation Movement

The defeat of Turkey in the First World War and the dismemberment of the mighty Ottoman empire, which once stretched from the Arabian Sea to the Black Sea, as a result thereof, injured the sentiments of the Muslims all over the world. They had always worshipped the Sultan of Turkey as Caliph—the Vice-Regent of Prophet […]


Pen and sword are two different objects, when compared they would have nothing in common, yet it is a famous proverb that “the pen is mightier than a sword”. This proverb itself symbolises the greatness and effectiveness of a pen as compared to a sword. Both are used in their specific areas, both have their […]

The Federal System

Administrative Relations Between The Union And The States One of the most difficult problems under a federal system is the adjustment of administrative relations between the Union and the States. In the absence of clear provisions in the Constitution, considerable difficulty is often experienced by the Union and the States in the discharge of their […]

The Swarajists

The elections to the Central Legislature and the Provincial Legislative Councils under the Government of India Act, 1919, were held in the winter of 1920. The Indian National Congress had resolved to boycott them. A number of liberal leaders were elected, prominent among whom were Srinivasa Shastri and Sivaswami Aiyer. They were great patriots and […]

Home Rule Movement

The First World War broke out in August 1914. The Allied powers claimed that they were fighting the war for freedom and democracy. At the beginning of the war, some of the Indian nationalists took the British statesmen on their word. They offered the utmost support to the government’s war efforts. Their hope was that […]

Be Bold, Lead And Succeed

Dear Friend, Flying Officer Avani Chaturvedi created history when she became the first Indian woman pilot of the Indian Air Force to complete a solo flight in a MiG-21 Bison fighter aircraft on February 19, 2018. She completed the half-an-hour long solo flight in the Russian-origin jet in the skies over Jamnagar Air Base in […]


“Keep your eyes on the Sun and you will not see the shadows.” —Australian Aborigine saying The struggle for freedom in India, from an empire whose “sun never set”, was a movement driven by hope. The movement against apartheid in South Africa, in spite of several setbacks, was kept alive with hope. When Dr. Martin […]