Browsing Category: Blog

Yes, You Can

Modi proves ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ Dear Friend, India has always been a slow paced nation with little significance of deadlines. It takes decades to implement a policy, for a court case to be resolved and in some cases, even to pass a bill in Parliament. We have become so […]

Science – A Blessing Or A Curse

In ancient times, man was a helpless toy in the hands of nature. He was completely at the mercy of forces of nature and lived with the constant fear of strong creatures. But with the blessings of science, he has now become the master of land, water and sky. He has also become the lord […]


“That all men are created equal, that they all are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” —Thomas Jefferson Every human being is unique. The opinion, personality and character of an individual depend upon his upbringing, education and the community to which he belongs. […]


The basic necessities for the survival of life are air, water, food, shelter, etc. and of course, how can we forget the “almighty Internet”. Our entire lives are dependent on the Internet, from how to solve a maths problem to the funniest memes—the almighty lord internet has all the answers. Now some may argue that […]


This article caters to Social segment of General Studies-Paper II andfor Essay Paper in UPSC Main Examination The essence of democracy is decentralisation of power and allowing governance to reach to the grass-roots level for welfare of people. Local government elected by the people thus imbibes democratic functioning of the society involving residents of the […]


“If  you can’t  be on time, then  be early.”—Robin S. Sharma Proverbs are the ones that express truth concisely with the use of most suitable words. There are uncountable  proverbs and we all have heard most of  them. But what is required is to understand the meaningful message they contain. ‘The early bird  catches the worm’ is a well-known […]

Demand For ‘Purna Swaraj’

The period between 1929 and 1939 marks an important stage in the political and constitutional history of India. The Congress moved from Dominion Status demand to Complete Independence in 1929. January 26 became the day for national oath to fight for Complete Independence. Later, it was on this day in 1950 that India adopted its […]

Basic Principles Of The Constitution

Every constitution reflects the ideas and ideals of the people who framed it. Although it is intended to be a document of permanent value, it is bound to reflect also the conditions and circumstances of the period in which it was framed. The Constitution of India is no exception to this; it embodies certain basic […]