Determination Is The Key To Success

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort”.

—Jesse Owens

Determination means firmness of purpose, a resoluteness. No matter where you stand, whatever your circumstances are, it is the determination that paves the way for your success. Determination means the courage to take initiative, work hard, get up each time you fall and keep marching towards the goal. One needs to have a strong willpower and focus to make efforts each day, consistently. Thus successwill be attained one day. In life, nothing is easy. Struggles, tough times and problems are bound to come, whether in job, business, relationship or studies.  Motivation and determination are extremely essential to be successful.

Some people consider determination as a passion, some consider it as a ruthless obsession. One needs to give one’s 100% to taste the fruits of success. Courage, hard work, optimistic attitude, efforts, proper utilisation of time, patience, perseverance and discipline—all these are essential ingredients of success.

Any new task in the beginning is difficult and takes time to learn. With practice and hard work,  you can gain mastery over it. It is all in your head, you can do it. Nothing spoils you more than your own rust. Thoughts culminate into action which leads to success. People often blame their circumstances, luck or destiny. But just by sitting idle and doing nothing will ultimately lead to failure. It is better to try and fail rather than not trying at all. Failures are the stepping stones to success. You should learn from your mistakes. You  know the success stories of many UPSC CSE toppers, who after many attempts of failure, have cleared in their last attempt to become IAS officers.

Your attitude determines you when you have nothing. Amitabh Bachchan was rejected and could not find any work. But he did not give up and today he is one of the most famous actors of Indian cinema. Dhirubhai Ambani rose to power through sheer grit and determination from a clerk to heading the Reliance Industries. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected 12 times but today she is one of the richest authors. Thus, the tales of these people, from rags to riches, are filled with determination. These stories inspire people that one can achieve success at any age.

Persons with disabilities have also created history with their remarkable determination. Stephen Hawking, despite being challenged by motor neuron disease, was one of the most admired physicists. Arunima Sinha is the world’s first female amputee to climb Mount Everest after toiling hard for 17 hours. An ant falls millions of times, yet it rises up each time with a fresh determination. While learning cycling, a child falls many times, yet he/she has the zeal to learn cycling again.

You become what you choose to be. Your choices and decisions determine your fate and can change your life. Remember, fortune favours the brave. Vince Lombardi said, “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Nothing can stop you from achieving success if you have a strong determination and the courage to get up even after falling. Never give up. Determination has the power to make the impossible possible.

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