“Prevention is better than cure” is one of the most common and popular proverbs. It teaches us that it is better to take appropriate measures before the commencement of a problem than after it has already ensued. It is a highly valuable advice and when applied to deal with our daily life issues, it can help us in preventing many mishaps from occurring. Also, three vital factors—time, effort and money—can be considerably saved. Hence, proper initiatives should be taken to implement the proverb in all walks of life judiciously. Prevention means to avoid and cure means to correct anything that is troublesome or detrimental. There is an old saying which holds true in daily life, i.e. no man is perfect, and we all make mistakes. But with the help of an act of prevention one can avoid doing many disasters, complexities, confusion and destruction. We can check ourselves from doing something by thinking about the outcome (that can happen because of our negligence) first and then take appropriate action. Each and every action should be measured carefully because solving the problem will be more time consuming and more painful compared to taking precaution so that the problem does not happen. Now the question arises, “Why is prevention better than cure”?

To Avoid Diseases: Nowadays, we can keep away from many diseases ranging from a common cough
and cold to diabetes, by following a healthy lifestyle that stresses on taking balanced diet and regular exercise along with giving up harmful habits like smoking or drinking. Even a terrible ailment like AIDS can be avoided by adopting specified preventive measures such as embracing safe sex, etc. Hence, the proverb is quite relevant when it comes to maintaining health and safety.

To Perform Well: A student, despite not being proficient in a particular subject, can do well, provided that knowing his areas of weakness he puts in extra effort beforehand. Thus, he not only can avert the ignominy of not performing as per expectations but also gain the much-needed confidence to improve further.

To Prolong the Longevity of Valuable Assets: It is a well-known fact that if we run an AC along with a fan, within a short span the AC will slowly accumulate copious dust and eventually, stop working. Leaving aside the financial loss the repairing of such costly product would induce, it may also happen that the AC never fully recovers! Hence, to avert such accidents, it is wise to switch off the fan, while an AC is on. With other objects too, appropriate precautions can save a lot of money and resources. 

To Minimise the Rate of Crimes: People often talk about issues, like the growing trend amidst youths to be disrespectful, violent and selfish. But, do we ever devote a moment’s thought to find the right preventive step to guide or stop them? Negativity grows when a child’s vacant mind gets polluted with destructive thoughts. Eventually, it is natural for such an individual to become wreckful or vindictive towards others. If the elders of a family take an active role in educating their children about the importance of being humble and kind, our society would never suffer from such a consequence. Children bred on noble virtues, turn into responsible citizens and heartily contribute towards the nation’s development and peace. Imbibing values in our children from an early age is, therefore, a vital deterrent that can effectively aid in reducing criminal tendencies in youth.

Wise men always use this formula for the success, they never wait for the deadline to come near to start their work, instead they finish their work before the deadline. This gives them time to solve any unseen problem that might occur during the process of their work.

This proverb is helpful for understanding the value of prevention and cure. It helps improve the efficiency to solve the problems of life and to prevent the difficulties.

There is a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Now, there can be many arguments regarding the justification of the proverb. Some may agree while others may disagree. But what’s the harm in being a little alert? After all, we have only one life, and we must find ways to make it better for ourselves as well as for those around us.

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